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Price: $224.99
(as of Sep 16, 2024 15:16:53 UTC – Details)
From the brand
Since inception in 2014, Lollipop has been focusing on the innovation of baby monitor industry and consumer safety.
We are dedicated to enabling every parent to have a fun and relaxing time while raising their little one, helping every family to capture all precious moments throughout your baby’s growth.
ćLollipop Care Subscription Plan with 7-Days Free TrialććContactless Breathing Monitoring and Sleep TrackćNo extra wearable sensor required. Monitoring your babyās breathing by AI technology and youāll be able to view your babyās respiratory rate and sleeping position history.
ćForever-Free PlanććLive View & Sharing VideoćWith 1080p Full HD quality, checking on baby by look at the Lollipop live feed on your tablet or smartphone from anywhere you are. You may also invite family to take a peek at your baby. Or send a link of a pre-recorded video of a specific event.
ćForever-Free PlanććDownloadable Triggered-Event VideoćAll 30s cute and treasured triggered-event video downloadable (7-Days Preserved)
ćForever-Free PlanććTrue Crying DetectionćThe Lollipop can tell the difference between ambient noises like wind and when your child needs attention. If the baby cries when youāre out of the room, youāll receive an alert on your phone.
ćForever-Free PlanććCrossing DetectionćSet a border inside the camera view to track movements in your babyās crib. If anything happens outside the border, for instance if the baby’s leg gets stuck, youāll be notified.
ćForever-Free PlanććWorld-First Audio ModećNo worry about your phone is out of battery. Even if the screen is off, you can monitor your baby with audio continuously.
ćForever-Free PlanććLullaby and Nature Soundsć12 Familiar nature sounds and peace music may comfort your baby.
ćForever-Free PlanććData Historyć Does your little one fuss at the same time every day? Or does something specific make them upset? The longer you use the Lollipop, the more youāll learn.
ćForever-Free PlanććPush to Talkć You may help baby feel secure by talking to them throughout the day.
ćForever-Free PlanććUnlimited Account SharingćInvite your loved ones to take part in your baby’s journey with high security AWS cloud service.
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